Hello fellow weirdos,
DUDES, are you out here hustling and feeling like you just don’t have a place in this competitive community? Are you tired of feeling like your dream clients are just one post away from finding out how epic your shit is? Are you ready to fucking WOW that next lead with the most badass full day elopement album, from start to finish? If any of that gave you a little tingle in your tum, then GET ALL UP IN THIS.
Every. Single. Human is welcome and celebrated for their art no matter their skill level, especially stepping into this gig. Despite popular belief, this shit is fun af and hard. But we love it, so we do it anyways.
My dad passed away suddenly when I was just 10 years old and the thing is, he HATED was having his picture taken. There are only a small amount of photos of my dad, much less my dad and I together and I SO wish there were more. This is exactly why I make sure to document my own milestones, big or small, cellphone camera or my "good camera", because someday my loved ones will want these photos. This is my 'why' and this is what I want to teach you. It’s so much more than “Media”
I am just that odd artsy kid who talked too much in all of her classes, but grown up. Growing up we would always rummage through old photo albums with old photos of us and our parents. The wave of nostalgia watching our VHS tapes of Christmas parties and random birthdays, I crave for every time I pick up my camera. These moments pass by too quickly, and when our memories start to fade, that feeling, that wave of nostalgia, the kind that you can feel all the way in your toes, that’s what I want to teach you.
Man, girls just wanna have fun. We have always wanted to find a place to feel celebrated and truly be able to be ourselves. We came across the small business community at different times, and had very different experiences. We started to hear more about the lack of community amongst creatives, especially in our area. We’re here to embrace our quirks and support one another in our creative journeys all while getting juicy content to share with our dream clients.
Our hope is you leave this experience with not only a thoughtfully curated album, but with a shove towards pushing your business to new heights and the tools to fucking crush it.
Let’s get weird!

A Uniquely Curated Content Day
June 1st 2025
Frankford, Ont.

Are you an Entrepreneur?
over being a Lonley sap working at all hours of the night?
looking for fellow weirdos to connect with?!
keep your eyes peeled here, brah.
As Shania would say, “LET’S GO GIRLS!”